The Field Family Charitable Trust, formerly known as The Woodlands Trust, is a Trust that supports the elderly and vulnerable young people aged between 13-25, particularly NEET youth. The Trust has a special interest in initiatives based in the West Midlands and London, within the boundary of the M25.
Supporting only registered local charities, the Field Family Charitable Trust offers grants to cover a variety of costs including outreach, engagement, equipment, furnishings, alterations to existing buildings to comply with health and safety regulations and running costs. However, grants to cover the cost of new buildings are not considered. Multi-year funding is also considered.
To be eligible, applicants must have an income of less than £1 million and must hold less than one year’s annual expenditure as free unrestricted reserves. Applications from Community Interest Companies (CICs) are not accepted. If you have been unsuccessful previously, you are unable to reapply for a period of two years. The Trustees meet twice a year to consider applications for funding, in April and October. Application forms and supporting documentation must be submitted at least 6 weeks before the date of the next meeting. To view the requirements and submit your application, please go to their website.
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