Get Grants Developing Your Individual Giving Training Course will give you practical solutions and ideas for growing your charity’s income through support from individual donors. By developing an individual giving offer, organisations can diversify their income, strengthening resilience and sustainability (which is needed now more than ever).
Many organisations have communities of people that are enthusiastic about their work and willing to give their support. However, often organisations aren’t making the most of these opportunities as they lack the confidence and knowledge to progress this.
See upcoming dates and book your place here
In attending our course, you will have access to the wealth of professional experience of our Get Grants Expert. You will receive expert insights and advice on all that individual giving can offer – including diversifying your income, relationship-building, getting buy-in from your supporter community and expanding your platform to speak about your cause.
Who our Individual Giving courses are for
This course is suitable for fundraisers (or those responsible for fundraising) who are looking to launch or grow their individual giving income. This course is designed to benefit not-for-profit organisations of any type and any size.
Whether you are setting up from scratch or looking for ways to grow from an existing community of supporters, this course will benefit people who are completely new to fundraising as well as experienced fundraisers looking to broaden their skills.
What topics we cover
On our Developing Your Individual Giving Course, you will cover a range of topics that build your confidence and equip you with a solid foundation to individual giving that you can put into practice. You will:
- Understand different types of Individual Giving and which would work best for your charity
- Learn the ingredients you need for a successful Individual Giving programme
- Develop techniques for identifying and recruiting new donors – whether you’re starting from scratch or growing from a base.
- Set up or grow a monthly giving programme.
- Explore stewarding donors to become committed givers to your cause – and give them (and you) the best experience.
- Key points to consider when running a fundraising campaign
- Integrating Individual Giving into your overall fundraising strategy
Course sessions will be a friendly environment in which attendees can ask questions, engage in discussions, and take part in practical activities so that they go away with some action points to convert their learning into practice.
Course Delivery
Currently, our Individual Giving Training Course is delivered via Zoom, across two 2-hour sessions, leaving some time in between to reflect on the information given.
Upcoming Dates
April 2025
- When: Tuesday 1st April & Tuesday 8th April 2025, 9:30am – 11:30am
- Cost: £99
- Book your place today through Eventbrite.
Alternatively, contact us to request a booking form.
Upon registering for a Get Grants Training and / or Event please remember to check your spam, promotional, and junk email folders for Get Grants Communications – thank you.
About the Trainer
Rosie Milsom has 12 years of experience working in the charity sector, in small and medium charities across a range of causes. She currently works as a freelance fundraising consultant and coach.
Rosie is a multi-discipline fundraiser and is passionate about helping charities of all sizes to become more confident in their fundraising. She leads our Community Fundraising, Using Data, Developing a Fundraising Strategy, and Individual Giving Training Courses, as well as many of our Masterclasses.
Rosie was previously Head of Fundraising at The British Youth Council, a small national youth charity, where she increased fundraised income by 40%, and at Caudwell LymeCo, where she launched an Individual Giving income stream from scratch, growing by 600% in her first 12 months.
Alongside her fundraising career, Rosie is a certified life coach, supporting people to increase their self-worth and success.
She is also Trustee of a local youth music charity, a board member of a dance theatre company, a keen fan of Harry Potter (though not JK Rowling) and a dog mum.
More from Rosie Milsom
Have any questions about our courses? Get in touch, we’d love to hear from you!