Get Grants provides practical support and training that fundraisers with all levels of experience can take away and put into practice. Our events bring fundraisers together to access friendly peer-support from our UK-wide Get Grants Community.
We share our insights and experience from inside the world of funding, setting you on the right path and arming you with the information you need to make the best use of your time and energy.
Whether you are a charity, community group, sports club, or school, Get Grants can help you increase your fundraising success.
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Get Grants are the grant funding experts, providing practical support, advice and information to grant fundraisers and grant makers.
Our team has over 50 years working in both grant fundraising and grant giving. Uniquely, we share insights into how decisions are made by funders with an understanding of the challenges faced by fundraisers.
Get Grants provides a range of consultancy services for both grant fundraising and grant giving organisations across the UK.
Connect with Get Grants on Social Media, sign up to our Free Monthly Newsletter, or visit our Get Grants Funding Finder to discover our free grant fundraising resources full of up-to-date information, advice, and upcoming funding deadlines.