The Green Hall Foundation, formally known as the Constance Green Foundation, makes around 100 grants per year to registered charities.
As a rule, they do not fund salaries or running costs. They prefer to fund projects that will benefit a number of beneficiaries rather than just a few. The Foundation want their grants to ‘make a tangible difference to the relevant charity’, for example, where a grant can meet a significant proportion of the funding required.
They fund projects in the following categories:
- Providing support for medical and social care (including terminal care)
- The disabled and aged (including mentally and physically disabled)
- The homeless
- Children and young persons
- Church and community projects
In recent years, the Foundation has awarded a higher proportion of grants in the categories of children and young persons, disabled and aged, and medical and social care.
All applications must be submitted via the Foundations online system which can be found on their website.
Green Hall Foundation Has two application cycles each year:
- May Meeting – Open for applications in early March*. For registered charities of any income.
- November Meeting – Open for applications in early September*. For registered charities with income under £250,000.
* N.B. Check the Foundation’s website for specific deadlines – these are usually on the 1st of March/September respectively, or on the following working day.
Each application period closes as soon as the Foundation has received 150 applications. This means it’s worth having your organisation registered on their portal (see their How to Apply page) and application draft ready in advance (an example application form can be found in their FAQs).
Green Hall Foundation offer grants in the region of £1,000 to £10,000, with the majority of grants awarded between £2,000 and £5,000.
A full list of grants awarded, and the percentage of grants awarded in each category, can be found in their Annual Accounts.
You cannot apply again for 12 months once you have submitted an application, irrespective of the decision.
For more details on the Foundation visit their website.