The William A Cadbury Charitable Trust is a Birmingham based grant making charity which provides funding to registered charities working principally in the West Midlands. The Trust offers grants from £10,000 to £20,000 twice a year, with approximately 20 grants awarded at each meeting. Applications are also considered by trustees on a regular basis and small grants (up to a maximum of £2000) are awarded monthly.
The charity has a number of grant programmes it supports, being:
- Community Action
- Vulnerable Groups
- Advice, Mediation and Counselling
- Education and Training
- Environment and Conservation
- Medical and Healthcare
- The Arts
- Penal Affairs
In order to apply, your organisation must be a registered charity and work within these areas, with more specific information on what the trust is looking for here. William A Cadbury also supports running/core costs and specific project costs so is fairly flexible as a charity in its grant making.
The relatively simple application form can be found online. As with all online applications keep good records of the paperwork on your own PC. You can also apply by the post, the charity provides more information on which can be found here.